Routes of Reformation

Before the 500 anniversary, in 2016 a project was launched to introduce the history and trends of the reformation and to join together the different sites. In 2019, the route obtained the certificate the European Council.
October 3, 1517 was the day when Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Church of Wittenberg which is considered the beginning of the reformation. The heritage of the Reformation means not only buildings but documents, books, historical sites, fine arts and music, even gastronomy.
The Rout of the Reformation riches 8 countries and more than 80 sites which can also be visited separately. The organizers’ goal is to improve local tourism and urban development.
The ECRR Hungarian partners are the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county’s municipality and the Upper Tisza Region’s All-purpose Micro-Region Association; both are in the most north-east corner of the country; this region is also mentioned as the cradle of the Hungarian Reformation. Here worth to visit the medieval origin churches which have colour painted boarded ceiling, e.g. in Tákos, Csenger, Csengersima, Gyügye.

Sites in Hungary

Pictures gallery