European Route of Industrial Heritage

This cultural route, based on the increasing interest in old industrial buildings, has received the certificate of the Council of Europe in 2019
The ERIH keeps a count of 26 countries’ more than 1800 sites. All of them are notable elements of the European technological history and introduce not only the scientific, technological or innovative improvements but also the life of the workers. The existing 14 cultural routes give a comprehensive sight to the improvement of European industrial history.
Hungary is represented by the Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport, and there are several interesting Hungarian institutions on the ERIH’s map, e.g. Ábraham Ganz Foundry Collection, Budapest; Hungarian National Railway Museum, Budapest; Metallurgic Collection and Massa Museum, Miskolc; Mecsek Mining Museum, Pécs or Museum of Nuclear Energetics, Paks.

Sites in Hungary

The Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport

Ábrahám Ganz Foundry Collection, Budapest

Museum of Chemistry, Várpalota

Museum of Electrical Engineering

Technical Study Stores, Budapest

Museum of Aluminium Industry

Metalurgical Collection, Miskolc

Hungarian Railway Museum

Pictures gallery